Nadpis v barvách duhy
Vložit mezi <head></head>
<style>body {background-color: black;}</style>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- schovej
function VytvorPole(n){
for(var i=1; i<=n; i++) this[i]=i-1;
return this
hex=new VytvorPole(16);
hex[11]="A"; hex[12]="B"; hex[13]="C"; hex[14]="D"; hex[15]="E"; hex[16]="F";
function ToHex(x){ // Changes a int to hex (in the range 0 to 255)
var high=x/16;
var s=high+""; //1
s=s.substring(0,2); //2 the combination of these are the same as the trunc function
high=parseInt(s,10); //3
var left=hex[high+1]; // left part of the hex-value
var low=x-high*16; // calculate the rest of the values
s=low+""; //1
s=s.substring(0,2); //2 the combination of these are the same as the trunc function
low=parseInt(s,10); //3
var right=hex[low+1]; // right part of the hex-value
var string=left+""+right; // add the high and low together
return string;
function duha(text){
text=text.substring(3,text.length-4); // gets rid of the HTML-comment-tags
color_d1=255; // any value in 'begin' 0 to 255
for(i=0;i < text.length;i++){
color_d1=255*Math.sin(i/(text.length/3)); // some other things you can try >> "=255-mul*i" to fade out, "=mul*i" to fade in, or try "255*Math.sin(i/(text.length/3))"
document.write("<FONT COLOR='#FF"+color_h1+color_h2+"'>"+text.substring(i,i+1)+'</FONT>');
// -- konec schovavani-->
Vložit mezi <body></body>
<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size=7>
{duha("--> Zdraví Tě Duhová víla :-)<!--");}
Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!
(, 31. 1. 2022 12:09)